Brackets is an Open Source code editor specifically built for web designers and front-end developers by Adobe. It’s released under the MIT License and the source code is hosted on GitHub. And that’s already super cool.
Isn’t that awesome? Learning a new program/framework/whatever is always exciting and extremely rewarding, so, just because I feel you and I totally understand you, here are my personal tips about the 5 things that everyone should do after the first installation and before starting to develop something with Laravel.
Working with Wordpress can be awesome and painful at the same time, especially when you have to dial with a lot of different parts of this CMS, or being forced to create some functions by yourself. In this series of tutorials I’m gonna touch the most common aspects that fill up the life of a Wordpress Developer, from the editing of the comment text, to the development of custom templates and plugins.
When it comes to learn or practice with something new the most frustrating part is when this new “toy” won’t work out of the box. And that’s what happened to me the first time I tried to install Laravel on my MacBook Pro. I struggled with this problem for a good hour before finally figuring out what was wrong, and I thought would be great to write it down for future installations or to help other dudes like me that could encounter this problem. So, let’s take a look.
Grunge, Punk, Rock & Roll and Skyscrapers, Seattle hits you harder than you can imagine with all its passion and messiness. Spending my Birthday in Seattle was a dream since I was 19, since I discovered that music’s branch that crept into my veins and slapped my face with a metal glove. Only one year ago I would never image something like that, but finally I was there, and all the words are useless. Seattle is a beating heart of art and music, dirty, nostalgic, euphoric and sad, Seattle was a dream, and I lived that dream on a very special day!
A bit for fun, a bit for exercising, I present you the first part of my speed painting series based on one of my favourite DC Comics characters, The Flash. I recorded this video with Quicktime on my MacBook Pro 2011 with a Wacom Cintiq 13HD. This is just the first part, a fast sketch to set the space and figured out the character position. Hopefully, next week I’m gonna publish the detailed line-art and the inking section. Enjoy!
It’s almost a year that I moved to Vancouver and this city still impresses me every day. A simple walk turns out to be a wonderful sensitive experience with colours, sounds and perfumes that I’m still not use to. On a sunny Sunday we took a walk on West Georgia St, heading for Lost Lagoon, and in just few blocks we discovered a stunning neighbourhood where uncontaminated nature and skyscrapers blend perfectly together.
We all like slick, simple and super clean design, but sometimes when it comes that kind of client, could happen that we’re forced to throw our skills into the trash bin and bend over at the immense power of money or the infinite emptiness of our client’s brain. Create a shitty 2000s button in CSS3, and bring back the web2.0 graphic style with the strength of a kick in the nuts.